M365 Changelog: Organization Email Addresses

MC241165 – You may have noticed emails being delivered to more people in your organization. We recently started sending important emails to the email address for your organization’s contact. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

How this will affect your organization

We send billing notification emails to users assigned Global admin or Billing admin roles. We also send emails to your organization contact in case we don’t have email addresses for your other admins.

What you need to do to prepare

The email address for your organization contact is included with the billing address on your billing account. Please take a moment to review or change it to ensure that emails get delivered to the right place.

To change your organization’s contact email address

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft 365 admin center.
  2. Go to Billing > Billing accounts.
  3. In Overview, select your billing account.
  4. On Billing account details, select Edit below the Sold to address.
  5. In Edit sold-to address, update the email address in Email address.
  6. Select Save.
